Freebies - resources/Textures

디자이너를 위한 무료 텍스쳐 50개 - 50 Free Distressed Textures for Designers

yehza 2021. 12. 14.

디자이너를 위한 무료 텍스쳐 50개 - 50 Free Distressed Textures for Designers


오래된 느낌을 주기 위한 텍스쳐 모음이네요.

50 Free Distressed Textures for Designers




Distressed Texture_33





용량이 600메가 가까이 되어서 출처와 링크만 적어놓겠습니다.


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50 Free Distressed Textures for Designers

Transform images with these handmade and completely FREE textures. Add a washed-and-worn look to vectors, a faded vintage look to photos, or a distressed grunge style to designs – and much more.


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