
[ 웹 프로그래머 / 디버그 툴 / developer toolbar / http watch / fiddler2 ] 웹 프로그래머 디버그 툴 TOP 6

yehza 2011. 3. 15.

[ 웹 프로그래머 / 디버그 툴 / developer toolbar / http watch / fiddler2 ] 웹 프로그래머 디버그 툴 TOP 6

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IE의 developer toolbar부터 watch , fiddler2까지..

ㅎㅎㅎㅎ다는 사용못해봤지만..몇개는 사용해봤다라는.. 

1. Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar

Screenshot -Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar add-on for IE

The Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar, developed by Microsoft, offers several features and options to aid web development and design.

It shares many features that we love from Chris Pederick’s Firefox Web Developer extension such as: outline div elementsmark-up validation toolsruler and measuring tools, resizing the browser window precisely (i.e. to 800×600), and all that good stuff.

It’s an essential tool for analyzing and troubleshooting web pages.

Some features:

  • Document Object Model inspector pane
  • Multiple validation – automatically opens validation services in multiple browser tabs at the same time
  • Syntax coloring of source code

Related Resources:


2. Web Accessibility Toolbar

Screenshot - Web Accessibility Toolbar - Internet Explorer Add-On

The Web Accessibility Toolbar, developed by Vision Australia, was designed specifically to assess and analyze the accessibility of a web page, but it’s very usefulregardless of whether you’re testing for accessibility or not.

Some features:

  • Greyscale function – renders pages into grayscale so that you can test color contrast.
  • Color Contrast Analyzer - a more detailed test for color blindness accessibility, which provides an analysis of the foreground and background color for “color visibility” as suggested by the W3C consortium.
  • Test Styles – which opens up a dialog box where you can edit existing CSS styles on a web page.

Related resources:



3. HttpWatch (Basic Edition)

Screenshot - HttpWatch IE Add-On

 is an HTTP data viewer and debugger extension by Simtech Limited. HttpWatch comes in two editions: Basic and Professional.

The Basic edition displays plenty of information regarding HTTP data and web page performance such as status codestotal elapsed time it takes a web page to load,amount of downloaded data, and HTTP compression savings (if you use data compression).

Some features:

  • Page Level Time Chart – gives you a visual representation of the web page’s performance
  • Errors Log Summary - notifies you of any HTTP errors encountered.



4. WebCollect

Screenshot - WebCollect IE Add-On

WebCollect is a simple web content capture tool. It allows you to take and save screenshots easily (great tool for design mock-ups and presentation). It also has aneyedropper tool which allows you to sample colors from a web page to extract their color values (in RGB, Dec, and Hex).

Some features:

  • Copy full screen – enabling you to copy a web page without having to crop or resize the image
  • Capture Rectangle Area – which allows you to copy just parts of a web page.
  • Support for most digital image file types such as JPG, PNG, and GIF.


5. Fiddler2

Screenshot - Fiddler2 IE Add-On

Fiddler2 is a web debugging proxy add-on whichs logs HTTP(S) traffic data. It’s very robust in features and is customizable to your needs.

Some features:

  • Session Inspector – which also provides you with headers and web forms data.
  • Set break-points – so that you can experiment with inbound/outbound data.
  • Performance Statistics – including world-wide estimated download times

Related resources:


6. Web Development Helper

Screenshot - Web Development Helper IE Add-On

The Web Developer Helper is an IE extension targeted towards ASP.NET and JavaScript/Ajax Developers. It has a special set of tools for ASP.NET development.

Some features:

  • Trap script errors – to see call stack errors.
  • Detailed request headers


IE still can’t match the Firefox’s number of extensions for web developers but these extensions help even out the field a little bit. 


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