
CSS3 Dropdown Menu : 스타일시트 드롭다운 메뉴, 네비게이션 메뉴바

yehza 2010. 5. 12.

CSS3 Dropdown Menu


The image below shows how the menu will look if CSS3 is not supported.

menu preview

One Gradient Image is Used

A white-transparent image is used to achieve the gradient effect. Because the new CSS3 gradient feature is not supported by all browsers yet, it is safer to use a gradient background image.

gradient image

The instensitiy of the gradient can be changed by shifting the background image up or down. Also, the gradient color can be easily adjusted by changing the background color.

gradient image

CSS Code

I’m not going to explain the CSS line by line. The images below explain the key points on how this dropdown is coded.

menu css

css code


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